Like we were the last two people on Earth

Today, after a long while, we exchanged text messages on how we feel about each other. After a while because life — it is happening. And we’re probably aging too, l o l

The way we’ve been dealing with life in the past year’s real different than in the last decade. And although the colorful days were mostly spent in the earlier years, I see that there’s beauty in black and white. In the mundane.

We were never the “grand” type of couple. Neither the posting nor the gifting type.

We’re just — us.

Happy go luckies. Probably one of the most chill out there. YOLO. No plans. No future. Just the present.

In this day and age where feelings and memories are fleeting, where doubts and uncertainties are given, where it’s easy for most people to declare that forever does not exist at all, I find myself lucky.

We may never know what’s ahead of us, but this is now.

Our now.

It always has been, counting a decade and a year now.