Friday, Milk Tea & Joker

Laying unconventionally on my bed, listening to some beautiful alternatives I discovered from Trasienne’s playlist. These alts have always been the stirrer of my thoughts, but they’re easily my distraction, too. I’ve been trying to dissect everything in my head since about a few weeks ago, but they’re just too many I can’t go in-depth as I thought I wanted to. So here I am, typing whatever I can, and like a notebook, a handful of words and phrases have been deleted and retyped, just as how I would’ve struck them through with my 0.3 G-Tec roller ball pen.

Half of the past week was spent at the Digital Congress we were required to attend, and it was fun and kind of liberating to be working outside the office. TGIF feels were a bit magnified, for we were allowed to leave the convention center earlier in anticipation of the Friday traffic. Plus I was dropped at the terminal where I would be riding the shuttle home which left me with a little over 100 bucks to spare. What I would be spending for a Grab ride, I spent for a Brown Sugar Deerioca Milk Tea from The Alley! It was my first time to try the brand, and I loved that the milk tasted like Cowhead — fresh and healthy!

It was half past 3, and since I had time to kill, I initially planned to watch Joker for the second time.

I spent a good number of hours reading articles on the film after my first viewing, just to see if I share the same sentiments with others. I’m in awe of how Todd Phillips was able to put the puzzle pieces together — a gripping storyline, superb cinematography, an apt soundtrack — and present a magnificent work of art that is Joker. And Joaquin Phoenix? Wow, what can I say! His portrayal gave life and light to the entire material, and I’m so lucky to have witnessed this impression in my lifetime. I mean, who gets to live the same time as personalities who will go down the history books right? You see, I’m not a deep comic book fan. I’m one who watches these type of films just for the heck of it, and I tend to forget the scenes the moment I go out of the movie house, hence the questions. The never-ending questions. But with Joker, Ian took note that never once I asked in the entire duration of the movie. I’m a woman of questions and if I didn’t ask, then everything and anything that needs to be sealed has been indeed, sealed. To be able to make the audience 1) empathize with Arthur Fleck as simply a human being rather than as a dangerous mad man; and 2) remember that society is merely what it is — rude, cruel and unjust — is where the true power of the film lies, and that’s what makes it a masterpiece.

I then checked on the cinema schedule but the movie wouldn’t start until five minutes before five, plus I was donning uncomfortable clothes a.k.a. work wear and I was feeling all sleepy I didn’t want to betray the film. Phillips and Phoenix don’t deserve audience who sleep inside the movie house!

And so I continued sipping on my milk tea, made my way towards the shuttle terminal and dozed off while in transit.

At 4:47 in the afternoon, I was home.