Lan Kwai Fong

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$50 woohoo!

$50 woohoo!

Legit Asian drama vibes

Legit Asian drama vibes

Our first night in Hong Kong was spent exploring the streets within the vicinity of our hotel. We stayed in Central (happy to have evaluated this right — accessible, very much near my shopping destinations and most of all, affordable!) and it was just apt to drink the night away, in true Hong Kong millennial fashion rawr

Lan Kwai Fong / LKF is known for its bright lights and loud music, and it could get really crowded as tons of party-goers flock around the area. We figured that the way they do it there is by buying drinks from convenience stores (sort of like a “pre-game” here) and just have conversations by the street. Our $50 was pretty much enough for the night l o l