31st Birthday

Just didn’t have the time to log back in to the blog but here I am with my birthday story a month very late!

I’m never the type to celebrate in a big way, so it’d probably still be lowkey had the pandemic didn’t happen. Even if it’s just at home though, it felt overwhelming that there are people who actually care — so much so that they’d set aside their time and effort to show me that they do. In fact, my birthday celebration revolved around gifts, I didn’t need to buy/order at all because the packages could already support the household! I never bought anything here hahaha


So many cakes it felt like I was celebrating in ASAP l o l

In the middle of this all, I was timed in and been attending meetings at work. And in the middle of that middle, I had to launch a search and rescue operation for baby bata Dorothy! She was doing her usual routine the afternoon before — climbing up the roof and walking along — but on that night, she didn’t come home! Out of the many days where she could troll me even more, it had to be on my birthday! What a bitchy baby I love her so much!

Our neighbor who gifted her to us was kind enough to maximize her barangay affiliations so we could get leads, and even kept me company as I looked for her. We went to the other village as the house parallel to ours is already inside the [other village]. I didn’t find her in this “operation” but we were able to connect with the owner of the house who recognized my baby bata and confirmed that she’s indeed crossing through the roof.

Dorothy came home later that night on her own, but with her collar missing! Though we’ll never know where she went and what happened to her, just so glad that she has returned! This incident launched a series of trips to the vet but that’s for a different story.

A few more quick meals happened the day and a few days after, where my ever sweet Tetelen dropped by and where Ian brought the best dream cakes!


Ian asked permission for us to go out and celebrate on our own, and we finally had our me time in a while!

Steak, definitely

Steak, definitely


Thanks for the free food, everybody!