Day 453

Well, hello there from the same corner. It is Day 453 and I’m still typing this from my 26-inch desk, feeling giddy that it’s Friday. I’m waiting for my hair to dry up as I just finished my bath but it’s quite cold at 27 degrees and it’s gonna take longer than usual. Anyway I just want to dump some recent memories here:

  • The second round of ECQ was lifted in May 14 and Ian and I are now able to see each other again! The COVID-19 phase I previously mentioned has also been graduated from and for that, we are grateful!

  • Mama celebrated her birthday twice this year and though it’s quarantine celebration part 2, glad that the execution made her happy!

  • We also got to bond with my sister who was able to go home again after ECQ

  • And our college barkada managed to have a mini get-together only it’s virtual, but I’d take any form of reunion with these guys! This call lasted eight hours — Ian and I were outside having dinner when it started and in our respective homes already when it ended at 4:30 in the morning! Aaahh, these dudes! Wish we are quarantined altogether haha!

  • NIGHTBIRDE! Aaaahh, this golden buzzer moment made me cry as many times I watched this clip! Jane’s authenticity is a given here, and she’s become such an inspiration! But what I love about this even more is how she and Simon connected deeply in an instant. Simon has always been a man of critic and a few words if I may say that (or fewer than Howie) but his quietness and his blank face in this scenario, though he didn’t show much of a reaction, but that’s it exactly — the lack of it ironically showed how he got hit hard. And it’s beautiful. Also, more than her story, her song It’s OK is indeed a good one and deserves all the streams it has been receiving since the AGT episode!