Day 269

I’ve been fighting the thought of whether I should write tonight or not because I honestly felt that I kind of want to, but also not because it’s a weekday and I feel like I don’t have the energy. Slept at about five in the morning because really, who’s got a normal body clock in the age of the pandemic? Also, I’ve said because three times already and I can’t forgive myself for not being able to think of another word. Another reason for the hesitation is because I have nothing new to say — surrounding my thoughts are the usual: 1) what I’ve been eating; 2) admission of not being able to work out; and 3) my latest series binge.

I’ll try to veer away from those items for a few paragraphs so this will sound different when I reread this entry in the future a.k.a. after publish, tomorrow, next week, next month (and so on) because I’m crazy like that. I’m sipping on this spare iced coffee from the merienda this afternoon and I’m supposed to be saving it for tomorrow so I’d get to sleep earlier but I can’t help it. Thinking as early as now if it would be silly for me to order one for tomorrow and bother the rider to drive about 2 kms. just to hand me over a 22 oz. iced coffee which I can make myself (if I want to and would try) right at our kitchen!

It’s not at all interesting but I just want to mention for the sake of transparency l o l w h u t that I adjusted the publish date and time of this entry to Dec 9, 11:57 PM instead of the actual time I hit the “new post” button at Dec 10, 12:02 PM because from the last entry that was Day 252, I just feel like it’s more natural for an odd number to come next hence Day 269 hahaha! Gahd, a decade and a half later and my nonsense #yshyproblems still exist!

So it’s fake Dec 9 and it’s our 147th monthsary! OMG what a blessing that we’re not the celebratory type because imagine how costly it would’ve been to buy cheesy things for 147 times?? I mean, not to be preachy about buying unnecessary stuff because I’m admittedly the last person to be trusted when it comes to spending but y’know, just saying haha! This also unconsciously led to the most interesting topic that is college not to mention my miserable teenage life it felt like I was in a sugar high and it’s obviously not in Ian’s favor l o l — I really love that phase despite how bruised I was hahaha! I should probably talk about that some time because seriously, I owe so much to the misery. I know I kept on saying I’d talk about certain things but I haven’t yet even after all these years and I apologize for the intense procrastination I’m just waiting for my heart to be ready l o l w t f

Anyway, I guess I stalled enough already so here it goes:

  • As I said, I’m sipping on some iced coffee right now and yeah I’d better stock up on some bottled ones so I won’t have to think about being silly every single day l o l

  • Yesterday was a holiday and it’s also Papa’s birthday so we’ve got reasons to pig out a lot

  • Was also able to go out the old-fashioned way a.k.a. sneak out because I needed to go the office to get some stuff which was fortunately aligned with Ian’s leave so we were able to hang out outside Alabang after nine freaking months!

  • I’ve been eating a lot (well, when did I never??) and I have not gone back to running at all! I know it would be a mistake to slack off again and gaining back the weight is the last thing I want to happen which is why I need to get myself new workout clothes 12.12 is coming!!!

  • Also, I know it’s not an excuse (but I’m using it as one anyway l o l) but our neighbor is currently working on some house renovations and I just don’t want to go out in full running gear with all the workers right there l o l so this is me eating for the meantime and hoping to shred it all when the men are gone, and when the packages have arrived hi hi hi

  • I’ve a lot of sleepless nights coming, self-inflicted I must say and I hope these will bear fruits for more good reasons to add to cart and swipe l o l *crossing fingers*

  • At work, it’s still pretty much the same and holding onto it as tight as I can because I’d rather spend yet another year in this little office corner of mine than do nothing and cry about what’s not in front of me

  • THE MONTEREY FIVE — damn Celeste Wright almost had everything! That supposedly “crisis” just put her more on the spotlight which I thought was redundant because even without giving her so much attention, she gets it anyway. Damn, Nicole Kidman is ageless! I was brought to Big Little Lies after seeing Sharp Objects and it was just so appropriate. I was hooked to Michael Kiwanuka’s Cold Little Heart for a good number of days and hearing the waves of the Monterey Beach in my head was something my system embraced! I wish it’s that easy to get an apartment like that!

  • I finally got myself around to resume watching The Crown and glad to be approaching Season 3 now! I honestly felt like the first few episodes of season one were a bit of dragging and I was so annoyed at Philip I want to punch him in the face! But I gotta appreciate that character development right over there and he’s now become one of the most entertaining characters for me aside from Princess Margaret whom I adore from the beginning! I was all for her and Peter Townsend but that’s freaking life and I feel sorry that boomerzz treated communication as a complication hence the unnecessary sadness that stemmed from cowardice. What slows me down also is the urge to “Google” every name appearing on the series because curiosity is hard to control l o l

Okay, the coffee is directing me to the bathroom now bye