32nd Birthday

“Officially out of the calendar!” — probably the most aging millennial thing to say but I can’t think of how else I could start better. An effect of being thirty-two now, I guess l o l

This year’s birthday was different from last year’s — I mean, well same-same but different. Still spent the actual day working, but that’s not a deal because I’m used to doing that. It’s just that, it’s a completely 360 degree turn because it fucking is, feelings-wise. I wish it didn’t feel that way but that’s it, that’s the tweet. Will elaborate at the right time l m a o

Still so so grateful and that is because my constants are here to stay in my life and that’s good enough for me! My family, Ian, the Trade boys, Peer and Psych fams — they’ve been making life bearable since! Got the bestest cakes too, I almost cried with their sweetness hehe <3

Celebrated with the fam over the weekend and glad that it was another experience for them to remember! Shoutout to Ian being the selfie master l o l j k I’ve been asking him to take the photos haha

And then Sunday was for our own celebration <3

Had a “quick meal” before our reservation l o l

Can’t pass on a birthday steak! Aaaahh

Still had room for another coffee and dessert for our night cap after all that, no shame l m a o

Happy birthday to me!

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