
Photo 04-08-2019, 12 57 58 AM.jpg
Photo 04-08-2019, 12 58 04 AM.jpg
Photo 04-08-2019, 12 58 03 AM.jpg
Photo 04-08-2019, 12 57 46 AM (1).jpg
Photo 04-08-2019, 12 57 46 AM.jpg

Low resolution and intensely-pixelated photos. These were taken during my first out of the country trip courtesy of my former company back in 2013. Phones were not as smart, and I was relying solely on my digital camera. Social sharing was not a thing and therefore these are the only images I’m able to retrieve.

Why I dug these shiz — ‘cos I want to prove that I’ve been to Tokyo l o l j k (or not)

Would gladly come back to this beautiful city any time I could! Nothing beats Japanese food, tbh.

Also, for the nththththth time, welcome to my new space.