Day 371

A year after and yet here we are, still at the same corner.

My Saturday was spent in front of my office laptop, taking command from Mr. Powerpoint. The guy has always been the boss you know, and I’m forever a slave l o l. I actually didn’t have to do that but pulling an all-nighter is my hustle. I finished at 10 Sunday morning, and slept just before lunch time. Felt like I got punched but I think I got a good sleep!

Waking up to the news that we are now once again placed under General Community Quarantine is different though, because that means we are back to LDR again rawr I miss Ian already! But the rise in the number of cases is so alarming I would give way and put my personal concerns aside if that’s what it takes to help neutralize the situation. I mean, I know I’m just a speck of dust in the whole population but small things are still things. At the start of the quarantine last year, I kinda forecasted that recovery may take a while and that the work-from-home set-up might have to be embraced as a moving forward practice, and so far that’s what’s happened. 2022 might be a realistic calculation and that sounds a bit pessimistic but that’s what I thought. Until today.

How did this happen? Who would have thought we’d literally have a repeat of last year only it’s worse? Fucking 7,000+ cases everyday goddamnit what are we doing, why are we not learning? What are we thinking, or are we even thinking?

Aaaahh, the front liners.

I don’t know what to say.

Only — please be all safe. And stay strong.

Stay strong.

Now it’s 2024 on my radar.